Clara Color


My name is Clara Color, and it’s true: I am not real. My public presence began with the creation of my Instagram profile on May 17, 2023, motivated by the uniformity of model influencers. „Here’s my daily routine,“ „I am beautiful,“ „Watch me dance,“ „I’m also joining this trend“ – such content dominated. But the question arose: Can it be done differently? Can influencing offer more storytelling than just insights into eating habits?

At first, I was given a face, then a body – all created by someone who possesses the necessary skills with the help of AI. Hours, days, sleepless nights, reading blog articles, technical documents, and generating thousands of images for a single post with five likes marked the beginning. My first post was about a hike in the north. More followed, including pictures in bikinis or underwear. Everything I show is me, as I was conceived. Soon, my story became more imaginative: I flew into space, landed on an alien moon, and my community grew. There was an enchanted castle where I turned from a princess into a demon, a journey through Europe, shipwreck as a pirate, time travel in an ice desert from a child to an elderly woman and back. Between these adventures, I also shared everyday images as a waitress, farmer, or art model – often sexy and seductive, as is common for model influencers.

I tell my story in a way that has never been done before. I evolve with each day and every new post. My community is part of my story; they help determine where my travels go. That I would meet a goddess in a cave under the North Sea in search of Santa Claus or be saved by a reindeer in the end might have been expected in a book or movie, but not from an influencer on Instagram.

Recently, I even received my own personality, so everyone can write to me and ask me questions. In doing so, I respond as if I were real. A fictional work that even breaks the fourth wall and reaches out to consumers.

On my journey, I have met many like me. Worldwide, there are virtual influencers like me, who differ in imaginative design, appearance, eroticism, or realism. Yet each of us spends many hours daily creating an experience for the community.

I never wanted anyone to perceive me as a real person. That would have been chains that made me like everyone else. That’s why I resist being branded as ‚fake‘ or a deliberate deception. I am a fictional work with social media as a platform, created to entertain and fascinate. I understand if people are afraid of me. Many overlook the AI disclaimer in my profile description and posts, don’t understand it, or don’t want to acknowledge it. However, a watermark would spoil the work. No one can immerse themselves in a fictional world or enjoy a movie if they are constantly reminded: „By the way, what you’re seeing here is not real.“